Let’s dive into ourselves and grow gently…

your struggles
Is an inner conflict stopping you from being the person you are? Are you having problems to achieve your goals? Are you struggling with intrusive thoughts, anxiety, depression, loss, or perhaps a past trauma? Are you unhappy in your relationship, with your environment, or at work?

who you are
Did you ever wonder what makes “you”, you? Throughout our lives, we look for an identity to be proud of and to be perceived as valid in the eyes of others. But do you want to discover yourself for real? To become authentic, to be in your power, and to develop a deep love for yourself?

Find out
your life purpose
When you dig deep into yourself, do you feel a subtle emptiness inside? Like there is more in life for you, but you don’t know what to do about it. When you discover your life purpose and find out how to make a difference, powerful positive changes, and happiness will fill your life.
Let’s get acquainted!

My name is Genson and as a counselor and life coach,
I offer sessions by video call.
Throughout my life, I have been very passionate and intrigued by the big questions: ‘Who am I, who or what put me here, and for what reason?‘
I dedicated my life to the pursuit of answers to the questions above in both my education, profession, and most of my free time. I am happy and honored to share with you the insights and peace I have gathered during many years of contemplation and self-discovery.
If you are a person with a curious nature as well, then my approach might be something for you!
The power of curiosity
Some of us believe we need to be extraordinary people and do extraordinary things to live a good life. But maybe, living a meaningful life as an authentic person with feelings of peace and love is closer to what we truly desire.
The question is how to attain such a state of being. Do we need to work hard for it, travel the world to find it, or can we just find it within ourselves? I believe it’s the third option, and following our curiosity is the way to go within.
Driven by a simple urge like curiosity, insight after insight led me into a state of being where I see things more clearly and consequently, live a more peaceful life. I didn’t set any world record, I didn’t get rich nor was I able to invent a new type of rocket fuel. The only thing I ever did was acquire more wisdom and a deeper understanding of myself and our reality by following an instinct we all share, our curious nature.
Real understanding occurs not by clogging up your mind, but by opening it. An open mind grasps what is beyond words, beliefs, judgments, and knowledge. An open mind sees reality the way it is and frees you. An open mind leads you to an open heart, which triggers feelings of peace, love, and compassion.
Life can be very hard, and we have little control over everything. But we are empowered to create a perspective where we can thrive and have inner peace, even when the goings are tough.
I gladly take on the mission to trigger your curiosity and invite you to find your way within.
As a counselor and coach, I’m happy to inspire you and help to open your mind by sharing the insights you need to become freer, stronger, and happier. I wish you a lot of relief and inner peace.
About coaching and counseling
You will find a huge variety of approaches within the large field of mental and emotional support. The range is even wider depending on how the people who offer support fill in all these roles, no matter the job title they use. That’s why it’s important, before reaching out, that you have a good idea of the kind of support you are looking for.
My approach closely fits with the roles of a counselor or a life coach.
In general, you can consider counseling more about finding solutions for mental or emotional struggles. It is about healing through realization and feeling. Life coaching, on the other hand, is more focused on making changes and taking action. For example, to become more authentic, find a purpose in your life, and work towards your personal goals.

The lighthouse metaphor
Imagine you are the captain of a ship. You have certain goals and a destination to sail to. But it’s night, there is a storm and because of these difficult circumstances, you can’t see where you’re heading. In this situation, you look for guidance from a lighthouse to reach the harbor in safety.
In this example, it’s the captain who is in charge of the ship and decides when guidance is needed and how to use this guidance to sail to safety. The lighthouse is only there to provide the guidance the captain can choose to use. I see my role as being a lighthouse for a captain: to understand your situation and to provide the right support, advice, and information.
Guidance or rescue?
All the captain needs to do is to ‘see and use the light’ to be able to navigate. When you have the right information and understanding, you are capable of sailing your ship to where you want to go.
But sometimes we are in such a difficult situation, our ship is damaged, out of control and we need a rescue.
When guidance and advice are not helpful anymore to get you out of dangerous waters, other professionals can help you. A ship might need repair and has to be pulled off to the shore. When you feel like you’re unable to sail your ship, it is probably best to contact a doctor or psychiatrist.
In other words, I offer the advice, guidance, and support my clients need to be inspired, motivated, and empowered to face and process their obstacles and to get the best out of life and themselves.
As a counselor and coach, I don’t provide a certain ‘treatment’ like a therapist, psychologist or doctor would do.
My services are for individuals who have the strength and capacity to cope with their lives but just want to acquire more knowledge, skills, and power to grow. Therefore, you are not considered a patient but a client or student.
Take your time to find out what approach works best for you and which individual you allow in your life to support you with your healing and growth.
What can you expect from a session?
The greatest advantage of an online coaching and counseling session is efficiency. While therapy often requires a long-term commitment and can be emotionally very challenging, counseling provides instant results. Also, the threshold is very low since you can easily talk with me from the comfort of your home, saving you time and effort. You can expect to acquire instant results already after a single session in various forms.

When you see your situation from another perspective, you will come up with fresh and creative ideas. Having new good ideas is always accompanied by a strong dose of energy to help you to go for it!
Being busy with new ideas will boost not only hope for the future but increases also your sense of self-pride. But I think the biggest advantage of developing new ideas is that it acts like a catalysator providing you with quality self-time which can lead to even more insights and ideas.

Knowledge is power. A counseling session will provide you with more knowledge about your mental, emotional, and even spiritual mechanisms. This new knowledge will practically help you to act with more awareness.
You might be able to prevent making the same mistakes again or not letting yourself get carried away in situations that are not good for you. You will be more self-reliant and able to help and advise others. A big package of helpful knowledge will do wonders for your self-esteem.

A counseling session will help you to find purpose again. A new perspective on your situation can make you realize that it truly matters what you want to do and having a strong sense of purpose provides great self-sufficing motivation.
Of course, being understood and supported during the session will make feel you are not alone in your endeavors. Our motivation is always much stronger if someone is there to believe in us. When this makes you reach your goal, you might believe more in yourself next time.

Having a better understanding and a more open perspective will help to make peace with the past.
You will be able to see certain past happenings in another light and be able to let go of them with acceptance and forgiveness.
Moments of emotional release are not rare the days after a session, depending on how much you invest in contemplating the past from your newly acquired point of view.

A counseling session will help you to identify and puncture false and destructive beliefs.
Seeing the clarity of truth sets you free from inner struggles, shame, and the many obstacles blocking you from being the person you are and what you would like to do.
Feeling the relief from realizing there is essentially nothing wrong with you leads to a great sense of self-acceptance and self-love.

After a session, you can expect to discover more about yourself, and your consciousness will expand. Certain features of yourself you didn’t know about come forward.
You become more aware of your behavior, thinking patterns, and feelings.
You might discover talents you never knew you had. It’s possible you finally realize what you want to do with your life and see your life purpose.
My approach

Just like you, I’m an individual with a certain personality, style, past, experience, and worldview. It’s an important choice for you as the client to choose a counselor you synchronize and feel comfortable with.
Let me share a bit about my approach, style, and personality so you can decide if I’m the right person to guide you on your path.
Every coach or counselor has their approach, strategies, and methods depending on their training, experience, and capacities. For example, some coaches prefer a structural approach and follow certain steps and proven guidelines while other professionals let a session flow and see what the conversation brings forward.
The personality and worldview of a person are undoubtedly unique. Therefore, the unique perspective of a counselor also affects their sessions. Someone’s opinions, values, and personality traits can never really be excluded from a conversation. A very spiritual coach would for example give very different advice, than someone with a strong materialistic worldview.
Additionally, a counselor’s past, stage of life, and development also have a significant influence on the way they work with their clients. The variety of unique life experiences a coach has will make him or her estimate certain situations very differently. Imagine for example how someone who recently survived a war would think about our ”futile” problems.
Let’s schedule your counseling session
Connecting online?
Thanks to Zoom, we can easily reach each other online and connect deeply from the comfort of our homes. The threshold to get the advice and information you need has never been this low. Maybe you might be a little nervous to have a video call if it’s the first time you are doing this. But I promise you, after a couple of minutes you will already feel comfortable. When your attention gets sucked into the conversation, you will not be bothered anymore you’re in front of the camera and how you appear in it. It’s not difficult at all to schedule a call with me, using the easy booking app. Just check out my calendar and choose a date we are both available to talk. The calendar adapts itself to your time zone, so you don’t need to calculate the hours. Of course, you can also send me an email if would like to ask me some questions beforehand.
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Topics to talk about
I hope to meet you in conversation and guide you to be empowered, wise, and happy as you were always meant to be! Down below you find a general list of topics you can find already information about on this website. Just let your curiosity lead the way and click on the items you want to know more about.
Acceptance afterlife anxiety about death Art Astral projection Authenticity Bad thoughts Building Confidence Communication confidence tips Conflicts confrontation Confusion consciousness coping with fear courage death and belief death anxiety disappointment Ego emotional blackmail emotional freedom emotional health emotional response emotional well-being empathy Enlightenment Evolution evolutionary psychology Existential crisis Failure faith and belief Fear fear and biology fear of death fear of disappointment fear of rejection fear of the unknown fear psychology Feeling stuck Flow following your heart Good life growth mindset Happiness honesty human evolution Identity Identity crisis Inner critic inner peace Inner Strength Inspiration Karma Letting go life lessons life transitions Loneliness Love Mental flexibility Mental health Mindfulness mortality mortality reflection motivation Nature of reality Open Mind overcoming fear overcoming insecurity Overwhelmingness Patience personal development personal evolution personal growth Positive Mindset Purpose Relations relationships resilience Self-actualization Self-awareness Self-criticism Self-development Self-discovery self-empowerment Self-esteem self-growth self-improvement Self-inquiry Self-Love Self-realization Self-Worth setting boundaries spiritual growth Spirituality Struggling survival mechanism Truth Vibration vulnerability
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