
I was having anxiety, depression, feeling alone and relationship problems.

I met Genson and he immediately changed my life. He is very supportive, understanding and non judgemental. He has helped me to love myself and I learned a lot from him. And now I am happy being alone. He is the best advisor in my life.

Lyn (Philippines)

I met Genson and he has immediately chnaged my life. When I met Genson I was at a crisis point in my life, in which depression and anxiety was taking over my life. I was having problems with my carrer, personal life and not coping with day to day tasks and had daily suicidal thoughts.

Genson has helped me realise that there is a reason to live, he is supportive and non judgemental. He has helped me find the inner Emilia and helped me to look after her and love her.

I am forever grateful for all support Genson gives me and will recommend him to anyone who needs a helping hand.

Emilia (England)

I am very grateful for the support and guidance Genson gave me during my battle with panic disorder. I never felt judged or innapropriate, like I have felt with other psychologists. He goes deeper than the the symptomatic layer and gave me great insights about myself. I have learned more about who I really am and he helped me face my fears. Often times I could not express what I was feeling in that moment and he helped me articulate those toughts and emotions in a way that was very compassionate and understanding. He encouraged me to discover and express my real, authentic self witch in turn, helped me with my anxiety disorder. Also during my panic attacks, he s been a comforting and reassuring presence. The answers to my questions are always very insightfull, not the typpical text book kind that you hear everywhere, but from a wider perspective.

Maggie (Belgium)

A few years ago my son got ill. A very rare autoimmune illness. Over time the stress and constant worry about his health caused me to reach a very low point in my life. My family and friends were worried about me and wanted me to see a therapist. The therapist told me that I had put all my trauma from my past in a jar with the lid tightly secured and my son being ill had finally burst my jar. I was diagnosed with PTSD and struggled badly to make sense of everything. I have a lot of trauma and unresolved grief. I tried hard in therapy but couldn’t trust or open up. I didn’t think anyone could help me and I wasn’t sure I wanted help. I wasn’t eating and I was purging too. I was alone in a very dark place.
Than I met Genson online and reached out to him. He has helped me more than I could imagine. I now understand how my childhood and past has affected my life today and I am learning about myself and how to change my behaviour and thinking. I feel I can talk to him about everything. I don’t have to hide any part of me. He helps me look at my behaviour and thoughts in a different way.
Genson is very compassionate and supportive. He never judges me and understands all my thoughts and feelings. He is helping me rethink my destructive behaviour and try to replace them with positive, healthy ones. He is with me on my journey and I am very thankful for him by my side.

Alice (Wales)

Anxiety, panic, & depression. Darkness drew a messy picture on the canvas of my life. I was walking down a path of self-destruction until I crossed paths with Genson.

Upon speaking to Genson, I was distressed and in a state that I nearly wanted to give up, but Genson pulled me out and gave me hope. In addition, he constantly helps and reassures me by giving me guidance and strength. I find myself being very comfortable and trusting Genson. I’m glad he was placed in my life to help me progress and enhance me as a person.

It is a great pleasure to wholeheartedly recommend Genson to those who may need help.

Cagney (USA)

Having anxiety, depression, family and relationship problems, I met many counselors and therapists to get help. But after every appointment, I got more disappointed. Some were judgemental wich it made me uncomfortable to talk to, or they were trying to give me advice that was not really helpful because they were not trying to understand me deeply and only wanted to give solutions.
I had the idea that getting help from counselors isn’t really useful, until I started talking to Genson. He was not like other counselors I met, I felt like he is really trying to connect with me. He was not judgemental at all so I was comfortable with him and I could easily talk about things I couldn’t tell anyone. He could understand everything about me, even things that was on my subconscious and I didn’t know, wich made me know myself better. He helped me understand others’ subconscious too, wich helped me have better relationship with others, make better decisions and have a better life as a result. 
When I need counseling, Genson teaches me about myself and people I interact with. When I need someone just to talk to, he is caring and kind like my best friend. He is also very fun to speak, and although I learned a lot from him, it never got boring.

Sara (Iran)

Genson has been and is my guide through my spiritual process. We grew in this regard together and his knowledge of philosophy, spiritual traditions and life in general is vast.

Being a great thinker and a kind soul, Genson is a good listener and he can understand with an open mind the darkest corners of personalities.

Dan (Romania)