
Why are there many answers to the same question?

How can different truths co-exist?

How can paradoxes be explained?

A wise seeker doesn’t find a single answer,

but discovers plenty on the path.

Various answers can align but often they clash.

Only when one gathers many answers

and allowing oneself to be confused,

the nature of reality is revealed.

Existence has no single surface.

It’s a perfect diamond with infinite facets.

The seeker’s path covers many in time.

When a facet is crossed a new perspective is reached.

A new answer is realized for the same question.

But which answer is true?

No facet is more real than another.

But one dimension can feel better than the ones before,

offering a more open, free and beautiful truth.

Just rest and merge with the truth you love,

Integrate its brilliance and value

until hunger provokes you to move on.

But don’t cling on one of its shiny angles,

holding your focus tense within its boundaries.

Only when you gently caress a wide surface

the true nature of reality is revealed.

Every answer reflects the truth within its limitations,

but our reality is without constraints.