
Water flows from mountain to sea,
the sea always its purpose.
A tree, seed’s sole destiny
grows tall without any distraction.

But when a child matures,
what will it be?
The actualized
has not been conceded.

Breathing, feeding, growing, aging,
all the living do so well.
But when a child matures,
precisely what would it propel?

Water, tree, bird or bee,
in bound motion entirely free.
But whatever they do, whatever they can
is always exactly according to plan.

But when a child matures
lost plans are essential,
for chaos
and trouble to trigger.

Identity, stories, rules and vows,
will they hold our children from looking?
The courageous will fall, not holding on
conditions preventing confusion.

The courageous will fall,
allowing confusion to haul,
discovering ambition
by spirit’s anointment.

When children mature
and chaos bewilders,
confined nature extends
to free sprit’s purpose.