The art of truth

A philosopher won’t think truth.
Exceeding rationality, it doesn’t fit his system.
The unimaginable can’t be thought.
How to reduce the infinite to fit the mind?
Plato wrote: “Philosophy begins in wonder”.
But when wonder becomes suspicion,
another problem to solve emerges.

A scientist won’t explain truth.
For it can’t validate the empty
and reproduce the unique.
The immaterial lay undiscovered,
the invisible unproved.
The observer fails to grasp what’s pure,
the slightest peek changes it forever.

A priest won’t lead its flock to truth.
For preachers share beliefs
and the unbelieved is forgotten or condemned.
Beliefs imprison while truth sets free.
Freedom is found in the unbelievable,
in becoming astray in endless space beyond.
Faith in belief fades when looming freedom flows.

But the artist grants a glimpse,
denying ambition to contain the uncontained.
Only dreamers dream the unimagined,
transcending expectations and control.
The painter shows true color allowing shades to blend.
Blessed are poets lifting curse from words,
relieving bounds of meaning unleashing the divine.